Howdy boys and girls!
We've got ourselves a first big project - painting Blood Angels "Vampire" army, 1750 pts
The army:
- Mephiston, Lord of Death
- Sanguinary priest
- 5 Assault Terminators: 3x Thunder hammer/storm shield, 2x Lightning Claws
- 10 Tactical marines: meltagun, plasma cannon, power fist/storm shield
- 10 Tactical marines: flamer, missile launcher, power weapon/storm shield
- 5 assault marines: meltagun, power weapon
- 8 death company marines: power fist
- 2 rhinos
- Furioso Dreadnought: 2 Blood Talons
- Land Raider
Here are the pics:
The first thing we'll start with is basing them:
Next, we'll spray every model (except death company marines) white:
Doing good so far :-)
Next up - airbrush every white painted model with GW Blood Red:
While Dredo is busy with airbrushing, why not throw in a game or two, this time its Sisters Of Battle vs Black Templars:
Mental note - don't stack up marines in front of 4 flamers.....
And this is why:
Some eye candy :-) :
Dice can sometimes be a real bitch:
On with airbrushing:
The bases for death company marines were finished first:
More pics coming soon!